Now that we've approached the end of the 2008-2009 season, I thought it would be a good idea to look back and see what Susquehannock Theatre accomplished in the past season. This entire season was like a whirlwind of craziness, which took us to a lot of places we hadn't yet dared to go.
Whether anyone knew it or not, the season actually began at Starbucks, with our plucky little band of playwrights beginning to work on their one-act plays for Playground. We began late in the 07-08 season and carried on into the summer, with the playwrights working on their ideas and plotlines for their one acts. But we'll get back to them later.
Of course most everyone's year actually started with auditions for Romeo and Juliet. Half of the actors still thought me to be crazy up to this point due to the whole "Set in Texas, post Civil War deal". I dealt with everyone thinking I was crazy pretty well, I think.
Romeo and Juliet afforded us the chance to finally get a classic show under our belts and do it with style. Add to that some special instruction from our fight choreographer and some Civil War Dancers, and we learned to do quite a lot of new things. That's not to say that everything about R&J was perfect. No one will ever forget opening night, or what would be dubbed "Snowmeo and Juliet"! Ice all over the place and actors stranded here, there and everywhere! Then there was Paris' death scene with the gun that refused to shoot...but what can you do?
Next stop on the schedule was a performance of R&J at the Pennsylvania State Thespian Conference at Butler High School. Load up the 2 story set, put all the actors in a yellow bus because they overbooked the coach buses and head 4 hours up the road! Fun in any weather, but even better when it started to snow!
After several hours of hair pulling and trying to work out everything on a smaller stage (and without the same lighting setup), we performed R&J before a huge audience who loved the show! We put our best foot forward, and though we didn't move on to the national conference, we wouldn't have traded that performance in front of that awesome crowd of our peers for anything!
Right after Butler (the next day to be precise), came auditions for LES MISERABLES! Never have I seen the school so excited about a show! And I've never seen that much talent during an audition week. We were so worried that we wouldn't have enough great male singers to do the show, but they showed up, and we made a lot of theatre converts in the process. Auditions finished up and I teased the cast list for a few days to the consternation of many. What can I say, I wanted it to be perfect...and I wanted the actors to learn patience...haha.
So on we adventured into Les Mis, with Kate starting early in January on vocals & at just before we began blocking the show, we presented our night of student written and directed one act plays, Play Ground. Though the whole thing had a rocky birthing process (writers had a hard time getting scripts in, directors couldn't gather their casts all at one time, people dropped out, people didn't know when practices were), the whole thing came together and we were lucky to celebrate the first performances of some great one act plays: Freak Show by Caitlin Furio and directed by Kyle Dobry, The Fiberglass Ceiling by Drew Slattery directed by Ariel Cowger, Dinner for Six by Brandon Cwalina directed by Niall Carmichael, Unclaimed Baggage by Lily Kotansky directed by Zoe (where's the umlaut??) Heatwole, and Rocketman by Laura Dzwonczyk directed by Mia Wentworth. All of these plays were exemplary and showed that there's more than just a play and a musical going on with these SHS theatre folk...
Anyways...after that, back to Les Mis: blocking and singing, blocking and singing, some dancing, and worry. Worry about the set, or lack therof at the beginning of March. But as always, I was wetting myself over nothing. Joe came in, laid down that revolving stage and we were off to the races!
Les Miserables opened and it was what we all wanted it to be: A big success. Sure the auditorium may not have been sold out, but just one night of show had more people there that an entire run of some of our other musicals. Susquehannock was at one time a big dog among the county's high schools, and Les Mis proved that we still had it, and were determined to keep it. Rave reviews came in from everyone, and had we been able to do another weekend of shows, we certainly would have had a packed house.
Next stop was the Thespian Society Inductions, and thanks to our performance at Butler, a boatload of people were eligible to join, swelling our ranks by nearly 30 members! A banner year!
Of course that's not to say it was all over. We had one more performance left to do, at the York County HS Theatre Awards (The Rosies) where Kelly Chick performed "I dreamed a Dream" and the entire cast performed "One Day More". Again we got some love, and also walked out with the Adjudicator's Award of Excellence (Judge's Award)!
This season's gonna be a hard one to top, but I'm sure 2009-10 is gonna be even bigger and better! And looking at this post...I think I'm gonna need a nap.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
HELP.......PLEASE.......NEED PICTS.....
ok, here's the scoop for those few of us who read this.....there is only one show up until now that I had no pictures of the finished set pieces and that show starts with a "W" and ends with an "OZ" you can add Les Mis to that of all shows...........I am begging any one out there who has photos of any parts of finished set pieces, being used or not, or if Mom and Dad or Aunt and Uncle or whatever......Please, e-mail them to me @ or let me know and I will bring a DVD or CD to the school to get copies of your picts.....I waited to find picts from the other show so long that I will never have them, so I am trying to get this asap so It is still fresh in our minds......thanks to any help out there.......pass this along to those who don't get on here....EVER!!!!!!!!!! Thanks
Monday, April 20, 2009
Over, but not soon forgotten.......
Hello all, I just wanted to take a (very tired) minite to thank all of you....first of all, the rest of the production staff for trusting me and the crew to get the job done, even though this ended up being bigger than I could ever imagine, it turned out to be the best show I have ever built with the crew or participated in; To the cast, also thanks for trusting me and the crew, I know it makes it harder for you to not have a full set right off the bat to rehearse on, especialy one that came as close as this one, but you guys always amaze me with what you accomplish; and finnally to my second family....the Crew, Pam, Natalie, Jamie and all the other costumers, you guys are truly amazing and your costumes help to bring our sets My best friend Chris P., you fight with me like my wife does, but that comes with 20 years of friendship and you are the one friend that has always stuck by me and I am proud of what we accomplish together and You are great at what you do and I am proud to call you my brother, and finally to my Crew......what can I say, Seniors, we laughed, we faught, we cried, but it was a great ride and I thank you and your parents for sharing the last 4 years with me, being a Dad myself, I know what it is like to watch you grow and become adults and it makes me cry, but in a wonderful way, I couldn't be any prouder and now that you are leaving us, please remember all that I (hopefully) taught you and know that we are always here for you. To my graduated crew who come back year after year, thanks for making me feel like I am doing something right and that I am making a posative impact on you, even after you guys leave Susky, I still enjoy eatching you grow and I enjoy your company more with all the passing time, we are equals, we are friends. To all my crew, thanks for the best 7 years (and hopefully more to come) of support and friendship and hard work and thanks to your parents for sharing you, I know that during the theater season (I figured it out this morning) we put in over 250 hours each for plays (or 3,750 total man hours) and over 350 hours each for Musicals (or 7,000 total man hours). To my family, thanks for sharing Daddy with the kids at Susky and at York High and letting Daddy do one thing he loves and remember, he does it for you girls!! To everyone else, thanks you for all the kind words and support along the way! For those who still think it wasn't real (especially since the set is already torn down), yes we really did just pull off probably one of the most successfull versions of Les Mis done at the High School Level.....not far from Broadway :) I Love you All!!!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Cool Picts Flashback.....
Hey all, here are some cool picts that Jason and I took of the Romeo and Juliet Botle Breaker far as Les Mis goes, we're trucking away at the set, this is a big weekend, but everything is coming together.....we still need wooden older looking furnature pieces for the baracade. If you have anything that you don't want back and that is wooden and looks old, even if it's broken......bring it in asap to the auditorium and put it back by the work shop....thanks and enjoy the pictures.........oh and by the way......all the bottles used were donated from someones garage....not emptied by any of us !!!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Tickets order forms are now on the website at, or in the weekly schedule folder! We've already been getting a steady stream of ticket orders from the article in the York Daily Record, so order early for the best seats!
Well, as Lily mentions below, the blog has been awful silent, but with things kicking into high gear the blogs should start coming fast and furious!
Today was poster design day! Red and Black!

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Les Mis!
Okay...thought I'd jump on this motionless bandwagon of a production blog! So...we're already neck deep in Les Mis production work. Just last week we rather successfully ran through all of act one! I am really really excited about putting on this amazing musical. Everything is coming together rather nicely...the principle parts, the ensemble...the revolving stage was set up at today's choreography practice! Sometimes while at practice I sort of forget, or take for granted, the fact that we are actually putting on this Broadway musical. And then when it hits me, I feel extremely thankful that as a senior I get to go out on this note. Do you hear the people sing? I do...and it sounds wonderful.
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