Monday, April 14, 2008

The end/Not the end

Well...the castle's gone, Pam's got the costumes put away, and Heather's turned in all the bills we accrued throughout the run...Farewell Mattress! But have no fear, as we will once more get the band back together for our triumphant Rosies performance on May 18th! (More details to come of course), and in between there we'll have a new crop of Thespians inducted as well as our very own SHS Theatre awards. And of course, there's always next year with Romeo and Juliet and whichever musical we do is going to pack the house!!! the actual point of this thread-- I would recommend to anyone who has the time or the inclination, to participate in theatre over the summer break! We're lucky to live in an area with quite a few opportunities to do theatre with community groups, and it's always great to get more and more stage time in (believe me, it shows come audition time!). So to that end, I present to you a nearly incomplete list of stuff going on in our area. If I missed something, please let me know, and I'll add it! And if you get cast in any of them, let me know--I wanna come see it!

Dreamwrights Youth and Family Theatre (York) -
Into the Woods
Auditions: May 6 & 8 6pm (Note, this audition is connected with a summer class that you have to pay to be in. More details on their website.)

The Music Man
Auditions: June 3 or 4 6pm at PSU York’s Pullo Center
More info:

Eichelberger PAC (Hanover) -
Audition Times: May 12th or 13th 7pm
More info:

Stewartstown Summer Theatre (Stewartstown UM Church) -
The Wizard of Oz
Audition Times: Sat 5/17 - 9am, Noon, 3pm; Sun 5/18 1pm; Mon 5/19 6:30-9:30pm
Performance Dates: July 30-August 9
Ages 12-19
Register Online: or email
(*As a point of full disclosure, I must add that I (Will) direct this show! Participation in this show does not reflect on the school shows, and vice versa.)

York Little Theatre
Coming Season not announced yet. Summer Classes are enrolling now
Check for details

EMC Dance Studios (New Freedom)
Summer classes offered
See for details

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