Thursday, June 5, 2008

And now for something completely different.

Well...I just had a meeting with the school administration this morning to go over an expansion of the theatre program at SHS, and as long as I can make the timing work out, it looks like we're going to see a plethora of new events this fall. Along with student playwriting (of which a small group of students has already begun work--if you're interested in playwriting and in ITS, leave a comment, and I'll give you info), we'll be having a student written/student directed festival of one act plays, Bi-weekly theatre workshops on Saturday mornings, and of course, the big enchilada--the trip to the PA Thespian Festival (whooo!)

I'm excited...but now I've got a lot of work to do!


KJChick said...

i'm interested in directing if anyone was wondering ...

Anonymous said...

^^That's cool, Kelly.

Ha, enchilada.

bncbamf said...

To copy Kelly, I too am interested in directing.

Draco said...

I suppose if there are any sspecial effect or props needed, myself and some crew can be made available to assist anyone who needs help, with ample notice, that is....and I havne't talked to Will yet, but hopefully the weekend seminars will include tech options as well....we shall see :)
