Friday, December 12, 2008

A Prank... and a Distraction

I got up in front of the choir this morning and said, "I'll bet I can say two words that will make half the people in this room go crazy."

They scoffed. They laughed. Then I held up a piece of paper.

"Cast list."

I saw amazing facial transformations. Within seconds, people went from shock to disbelief to delight and jumping-over-chairs-to-get-to-the-front-of-the-room joy that any director would have been proud of.

The next thing I heard was, "[Insert expletive here] you Laura!" when someone discovered the "list" was actually my AP Human Geography notes. I think this is one of the best jokes I've ever played, aside from the fact that I got a hand-slapping.

In other, non-Les Mis-related news to keep our minds off what we all want to know act night! I'm excited. I really can't wait to see how a student-written and directed show works out and what the audience thinks. Methinks some auditions are in order soon. I know...auditions...don't bring that word up.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Will Jenkins is a Woman

Ok, so who hacked into the cast list and made Jenkins Fantine? Amusing, yes. Or perhaps Heather is just having fun with us.

The Waiting Game

Auditions for the musical Les Mis just happened...and now, judging by Facebook statuses, everyone is waiting, waiting, waiting for the cast list.

*holds breath*

I am very very excited to put on this show!

Friday, December 5, 2008

It's Chris again! Coming to you rather early....

Last night we saw a rather interesting version of Hamlet (only done in 15 minutes!), which most of us seemed to enjoy (it was kind of hilarious), as well as some individual events being judged for going to Nebraska (hooray Nationals), and it sure seems like there's a heck load of talent around here.  The hosting school even performed Pippin, with which it's catchy tunes and in your face attitude, had most of singing and dancing away (well, constantly singing the same songs anyway :P).  After this we went and danced and intermingled, meeting up with new people all over PA, and finally just managed to get back to the hotel to get a good night's sleep before our show: tonight, we're going to show them how it's really done :D

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hiya folks! It's chris, coming in from good ol' Butler, PA

4 hour bus ride, a little bit of snow, and 1 inter-bus Queen music contest, and we're here.  At the current time, we're waiting for 1 costume lady (5 minutes late) and nice big truck full of luggage (30 minutes late).  Most of us seem to be getting comfortable with where we're staying for the next 3 days, moseying the halls, and grabbing a bite to eat.

At about 3:30 PM we're loading up again, and finally heading over to the high school to check out Pippin! Should be a good performance, and most of us seem very excited to actually be here to put on one of the greatest shows Susquehannock has done yet!  Wish us luck (or broken legs :P)

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Who's excited for Butler? I'm excited for Butler.

How excited? SOOOOOOOOOOO excited.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Hello all.......I know this doesn't have anything to do with our show, but many of you know that my little brother has served 3 tours in Iraq and a year tour in Turkey and now he has just come home from that 3rd tour in Iraq......safely......I just wanted everyone to know how proud I am of my little brother and he even sent me a great picture!!!!!!!!!!! All I can say is "Thanks" Brian and "Thanks" to any of the other friends and family out there who have or are in the armed services.....thanks for you bravery, your dedication, and your sacrifices. Thanks for all your time, I just felt this was important enough to be a part of our blog :) Love Ya Bro.........

Monday, November 3, 2008

Pic Dump

Wow. Three Updates in a day. There's a lot going on now at the ol' SHS Theatre! Here's a few pics I snapped the other night at practice!

Josh is happy to shoot, Siona's happy to be shot.


Guy Talk

More to come! Stay Tuned!

The set

Finally, we have the auditorium all to ourselves until the show opens, and our set can stay up full time! What an awe-inspiring structure!!! And it's portable!!!

Our tiny little set.

The original set model. It's even more portable.

The Buzz of SYC

Well...we could be the buzz of Southern York, but regardless, we got a mention in the main article of the fall play roundup in the York Daily Record. You can check it out online here:

And let's not forget one of our own beloved actors is part of the newspaper's teen takeover blog, and has a little blog about what it's like to be a man...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Building the Excitement!!!!!!!!!!!

No pun intended...........ok, maybe a little........anywho, we are off to a great start this year, if all stays on track we will be finished building the set by the end of this coming weekend and ready to paint and practice tearing down and setting up for the ITS far with 65% of the building, we are able to disassemble in a matter of 30 minutes...........yeah us!!!!!!
Just for fun, the elephant that my kids are on here to the right is from what movie..........any guesses? Hint: the movie was from 1978 and stared an actor named John?

This pict is just a fun pict of crew members as we take photos of props for our rental catalog...........

more to follow.........LATER

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October Fun Night

Alright so for October Fun Night I'm on the committee to gather ideas on what to do. We decided on a kind of interactive sing along thing. And notice how vague these phrases seem...yeah, we're still in the planning stage. BUT! If you have any ideas...please feel free to leave a comment.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Because I'm so original- Challenges.

1. Not being a black southern baptist. "My brothers and sisters..."

2. Annunciating- When Will told me to do that, I was like, "I've never had that problem before." Then I realized I was a mute in my most recent role...

That's pretty much it. I am uber-crankered up for this play. :D

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Poster

So here it is, a finished poster for our little show. Sadly, I had to take the guns off the original logo, since they are a school no-no. But I think the final version looks good in its own right. I still would look cool with guns.

Bonus points for anyone who can point out the blatant symbolism I used in the poster. (and no, it's not the heart)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

One Challenge

1) Going from a, uh, not-quite-a-DDD to a DDD. Back problems, here I come!!

This should be awesome!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Two challenges

1) Playing a comic character in a Shakespearian show (with no Shakespearian experience).

2) Going from a woman to a man. Without testosterone injections.

This should be fun.


I just want to be the first cast member on the blog to publically announce that I am super excited for our whole theatre season.

And now...
For all of you who missed the theatre workshop on Saturday, you missed a really awesome, informative, and fun time. Get to the next one.

And that is all I have to say.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Theatre Workshop-9/27

Just to remind everyone that we will be hosting theatre workshops this year on a bi-weekly basis. The workshops are open to anyone that wants to come and I will be getting some special (and sort of special) guests to come in and give you some great tips regarding theatre stuff you probably never knew existed!

This week, on Saturday the 27th, from 9-11am in the auditorium the workshop will be about theatrical movement and will be taught by my good friend and former assistant director, Chris Maxwell, who will be coming down from Pittsburgh just for this. Chris is a graduate of Pitt, and has many theatre credits in the Pittsburgh area (and he's been in commercials too!)

The R&J Report-Episode 1

I realize that I have been pretty lax in my blogging regarding R&J, so this'll be a little something to make up for it.

We're already one week into the rehearsal process, and we've had a whole week of really great read throughs, including one held outside, where Mia attempted to use a tree as her balcony (alas, she didn't have enough light to read her script up there). This week will be a character building week, as Chris and I meet with some of the actors to guide them through thinking about their character so they can make stronger choices in their acting. The week will end with the final read through (full cast), just so we can go over the script one more time and let the cast know what they will be doing once we start blocking next week (yay!). Then of course will come fight choreography and the big masquerade scene, and before you know it--show week!

Now, to turn some attention to the set design side of things, here's Joe's finished set design for the play. This set will be the backdrop for most of the scenes in the show, and will be built in such a way as to be set up and torn down in less than 2 hours, and will fit in the back of a U-haul! (The crazy stuff we do just to take our little show to the ITS festival).

Friday, August 29, 2008

Um. Wow. my old shs hotmail account, I find an email today that shocked me.

To Sum up:



Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The New Season Begins

Words can't express my excitement for what's coming up this year...I've been so itchy for the school year to start so we can dive headfirst into this Romeo and Juliet thing... So the big news here is that the audition sign up sheet will be up as of 8/28, outside of the auditorium. There is also a monologue sheet at the same location--this year I've chosen the monologues I would prefer to hear (instead of having to figure out what you're saying when you do a monologue I'm not familiar with). They will also be posted on the website for your perusal.

Also coming up next week is the first ITS meeting of the year (9/2 - 7pm) and the audition workshop (9/3 7-8:30pm) Encourage your friends to attend the audition workshop if they are at all interested in trying out!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Script is up!

The script for R&J can be found on for all you who might be interested in giving in an early glossing over. Also the site is updated with some groovy new R&J logos...I liked 'em so much I'm probably gonna design the poster the same way (sorry Mia)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Eat Mor Chicken, Send us to Butler

Reminder to all, that SHS Theatre Spirit night will be held at Shrewsbury Chic-Fil-A on July 21st from 5-8. 20% of every order (with the flyer that will be available there) will go toward our trip to the PA thespian Festival! Tell all your friends!

Monday, June 23, 2008


I have amazingly great news which makes me all sorts of giddy inside for R&J. I have just talked to a friend of mine who is certified in stage combat, and he has agreed to choreograph a really big fistfight for us for the show! (the fight in question will be the first big brawl after the "thumb biting" incident.) Just imagine four guys start a fight and every other guy in the cast (and maybe some girls) jump in to help out the side they're rooting for.

I like stage violence way too much.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

And now for something completely different.

Well...I just had a meeting with the school administration this morning to go over an expansion of the theatre program at SHS, and as long as I can make the timing work out, it looks like we're going to see a plethora of new events this fall. Along with student playwriting (of which a small group of students has already begun work--if you're interested in playwriting and in ITS, leave a comment, and I'll give you info), we'll be having a student written/student directed festival of one act plays, Bi-weekly theatre workshops on Saturday mornings, and of course, the big enchilada--the trip to the PA Thespian Festival (whooo!)

I'm excited...but now I've got a lot of work to do!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Here be spoilers!

...And Romeo and Juliet DIE!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Well, here begins the official start of the Romeo and Juliet blog. Though I'm currently directing a show outside of the school, I'm getting a really early jump on the play, mostly due to the fact that I want it to be awesome. I've been lucky enough to find a R&J script online that has been whittled down to a nice time of about 2 hours, and I have been making my own adjustments as well, including adding in my stage directions and blocking and all that. So far I've got about three scenes figured out, My stage design idea is in Joe's hands, and there's a lot of really good ideas I need to try and fit in (such as Mercutio throwing one of his boots at someone--possibly Tybalt). those of you who are somewhat uncertain about R&J in 1860's Texas, here's a little sample for you. Ignore my grandiose stage directions...they give me and idea of what I'm aiming for...


[We begin in the dark. “Amazing Grace” is hummed quietly by the cast as a single dim pin spot comes up, center. We see Pastor Lawrence in front of two pine boxes containing the bodies of Romeo and Juliet--both boxes are propped up so that we may see them inside. Though this is an invitation for the audience to watch the story unfold, it should also seem like a funeral homily given by a man who is grief stricken for his part in these senseless deaths, and still angry at the families for carrying on this feud.]

Two households, both alike in dignity,

[On SL the Capulet Parents light their candles, while the Montagues mirror on SR. The flames are passed on to the candles of the other actors who are surrounding the action, creating an onstage vigil.]
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,

Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life,
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Doth with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end, naught could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage.

[As the ensemble slowly leaves the stage, they sing the following verse hauntingly-- almost in a whisper.Pastor Lawrence takes a moment to pray for the dead, then quietly closes the boxes--Romeo first, then Juliet.]


Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease;
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

[Seamless Transition. Pin down as boxes come off, colored scrim reveals the silhouette of the set. Lights immediately up SR as Gregory and Sampson enter, headed to the saloon. Full lights come up to reveal the main set. Various townspeople return to fill the stage]

Friday, May 16, 2008

Spring Awakening

I'm seeing it. For the second time. On May 31st. With Cassie.

I know more people now who are into the music. If you get a chance to go to Broadway, SEE S.A. It will change your life. Okay, so I lie. But it will change that part of your life that deals with musical theatre.

I would go into the dirty details of the performance...but that's exactly why I cannot. They're dirty.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Internet is a beautiful thing...

So I just discovered a really awesome thing on YouTube called 'insight.' It lets you see how many people are watching your videos and where they're from. So let me let you in on some facts:

The Once Upon a Mattress commercial was viewed in 4 countries from the time I posted it (April 3rd) to April 13th.

It was viewed mostly in the USA. Duh. Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, and North Carolina were the states [in order] with the most views.

In Europe (yeah, Europe), it was viewed twice in Spain and once in England.

In South America, Brazil was the country with the most views.
PS- When I say 'most views,' that means only one person on the whole continent saw the video...but still.

So, Susky Theatre, we may be small, but at least some people in the world care enough to at least consider our show. Whoo!

I'd like to thank the Academy...

ITS inductions were off the hook. Will, I wrote part of Kelly's Year In Review, so whenever you laughed at it I was just like, "Oh God..." Haha. He took his boxing skills to the afterlife! HAAHAHHAHHAHHAHA. *crickets*

They were really nice and formal. Good crowd, and we had PROGRAMS! Programs equals awesome. I enjoyed Darius' kilt. And how my candle wouldn't light at first...and how obvious it was to tell the difference between a cast and crew member. (With the ITS lines we memorized).

I will forevermore remember "King Lear screams the anger of old age."

For some reason, doing those two puny lines made me really nervous. You can't ad-lib that too well.

So I'm eggcited for the Rosies. Although that cuts into some college visit time ("Yay college search," she types sarcastically).

For the one act dealio, I get my best ideas (haven't developed a story, but I have time) from my dreams.

Oh, and people. As they are in plays.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Mazel tovs all around to those being inducted into the ITS on Wednesday!!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


There's been quite a few people who have talked to me (or I have talked to) about playwriting. The Thespian festival offers a competition for one acts, and I'd love to have a student written/student directed night of one acts. So if there's anyone else out there with an interest (or you know someone), drop me a line and I'll get you info.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wait what

Okay, I stopped posting because I (well, you don't want to hear me rant all the time anyway) thought the blog is just for OUAM. (See title on top of site). But as there are new posts, what is up?

As some of you know, I obnoxiously burst out into "WITH A "F" AND A "R" AND A..."
Each time I am smothered by a fellow thespian, of course.

Fred lives on, man.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Upcoming event information!

Hi everyone!

Although the show is over, there are still two upcoming SHS theatre events!

International Thespian Society Inductions & 2nd Annual Thespy awards
When: Wednesday, May 7th at 8.00 Pm in the auditorium
(Rehearsal for ITS member & inductees is Monday, May 5th at 7.30)
What: The International Thespian Society is an international group that awards excellence in theatre. (It's basically like NHS for theatre). SHS's troupe has been active since 2005 and we will be inducting 17 new members, and honoring current members who have earned their drama letter. AND we will be handing out the Thespy awards. (Think SHS's own Oscar ceremony). It is always a good time, and if you don't have enough points to be an official Thespian, it's neat to see the ceremony and learn a little more about ITS.

The Rosies - AKA the York County High School Theatre Awards
When: Sunday, May 18th at 6.00 at the Strand in York
Practices are Wednesday, May 14th at 7.00 in the auditorium AND Saturday, May 17th from 9.00 - 9.30 at the Strand.
What: The York County High School Theatre Awards celebrates the theatrical work of York County high schools at the Strand-Capitol, also participating are the following schools: Red Lion, West York, Eastern, Northeastern, Southwestern, Central, Dover, Kennard-Dale, William Penn, Spring Grove, & York Suburban.
Each school will be performing a number from their show, and will have an opportunity to hand out awards to their participants. (These awards are different from the Thespys -- The Thespys are more show oriented (i.e. best actor in a play) whereas the Rosie awards are going to be overall awards - Best Actor, etc.)
We have tentatively decided to do "Song of Love" this is however providing that we can get the necessary people at the show.

Therefore, I need responses from everyone regarding if they can attend the Rosies & both practices. (Please respond even if you can not attend so I don’t have to call you to find out!) You may respond in one of three ways.

1.) Call me - 717-542-8561
2.) Email me -
3.) Fill out the form on the website:

Also, everyone going to the Rosies has to pay $5 for your ticket (sorry, we just don't have it in the budget). If you respond that you are coming, you have to pay for this ticket. (If you have a parent that is coming and would like to sit in the performer/chaperone area let me know and their ticket will also only be $5). Tickets are more expensive at the door and for pre-order for the non-performer price.

We also get to select four people to participate in the closing number for the show. These four people will be selected once everyone’s responses are sent in. Please let me know if you would like to be considered.

Please respond by Sunday, May 4th! Don't make me have to track everyone down!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Remember me???

Yeah, just thought I'd write something here since everyone has forgotten the poor lil' blog since the end of OUAM...

Thespian Inductions next week, Rosies in two... Excitement!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

The end/Not the end

Well...the castle's gone, Pam's got the costumes put away, and Heather's turned in all the bills we accrued throughout the run...Farewell Mattress! But have no fear, as we will once more get the band back together for our triumphant Rosies performance on May 18th! (More details to come of course), and in between there we'll have a new crop of Thespians inducted as well as our very own SHS Theatre awards. And of course, there's always next year with Romeo and Juliet and whichever musical we do is going to pack the house!!! the actual point of this thread-- I would recommend to anyone who has the time or the inclination, to participate in theatre over the summer break! We're lucky to live in an area with quite a few opportunities to do theatre with community groups, and it's always great to get more and more stage time in (believe me, it shows come audition time!). So to that end, I present to you a nearly incomplete list of stuff going on in our area. If I missed something, please let me know, and I'll add it! And if you get cast in any of them, let me know--I wanna come see it!

Dreamwrights Youth and Family Theatre (York) -
Into the Woods
Auditions: May 6 & 8 6pm (Note, this audition is connected with a summer class that you have to pay to be in. More details on their website.)

The Music Man
Auditions: June 3 or 4 6pm at PSU York’s Pullo Center
More info:

Eichelberger PAC (Hanover) -
Audition Times: May 12th or 13th 7pm
More info:

Stewartstown Summer Theatre (Stewartstown UM Church) -
The Wizard of Oz
Audition Times: Sat 5/17 - 9am, Noon, 3pm; Sun 5/18 1pm; Mon 5/19 6:30-9:30pm
Performance Dates: July 30-August 9
Ages 12-19
Register Online: or email
(*As a point of full disclosure, I must add that I (Will) direct this show! Participation in this show does not reflect on the school shows, and vice versa.)

York Little Theatre
Coming Season not announced yet. Summer Classes are enrolling now
Check for details

EMC Dance Studios (New Freedom)
Summer classes offered
See for details

Friday, April 11, 2008

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

One more til' opening night.

The excitement is almost palpable, ain't it? The show's down to a tidy 2:35 (and we can cut a few minutes off yet!), costumes, set pieces, props are all coming in. I love the days right before a show, especially when there's not a lot of tweaking to do! This show has been a breeze, and I think it's going to be one of the best yet (I say that every year...but it's true this time!). I took alot of pictures tonight...but this by far is the best.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ah...heck day...

Wow...what a long day...rehearsal from 1-8, and we only got through the show once!

It's not the worst one ever though, rest assured. Now to get the time down to about 2 hrs 15 minutes! (that's the goal!)

I took a few pictures today...enjoy!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Commercial #1!!

Hooray! The first commercial for our loverly little production is ready!

I apologize to Leah, whose voice was butchered during post-production...

Watch it, love it, and send it all over the world. :D

One week until opening night!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Even More Pictures!

Everything's almost done, and it's a great time to show off what we're doing on stage...can't wait til next week when we have some pictures IN COSTUME!

Zoe's Maiden Flight
Hellooooo Ladies.

Kyle and his rack.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

You know you're in a musical when...

someone comments to you how they hope it'll be a nice weekend and you reply nervously, "No! Don't say that! We need rain! LOTS AND LOTS OF RAIN. Pray for bad weather!"

...if anyone else wants to chime in on one of these...

(I'll edit additions on here so everyone doesn't have to click the comments button-The Editor)

"You know you're in a (High School) musical when...
tech week is devoted to getting the running time under four and a half hours."

You know you're in a musical when the set designer has ever told you not to walk on the left half of the stage because the floor's still wet -- five minutes before curtain."
9 DAYS...

Springtime for Hitler and Germany!

I know this has nothing to do with theatre, but...

I demand all of you walk outside and experience the beauty that is spring! I see green buds, and daffodils, and the sun is out (oww, my eyes!)

I currently have the window open as I type this. Just listen to the calming sounds of Shrewsbury's Main Street. Ahh.

Why, I can tie this in with theatre! I was so inspired by the season that I went to Shrewsbury's playground and belted out songs from the musical.

Several children ran away. Looks like I lost us some tickets! :)

More Pics

Here are some more pictures!!
Bye Bye Birdie
It's the Nightengale of Samarkand!!!
Happily Ever After...
Pretty Flowers!
Once Upon a really dirty Mattress

Liz is debonair...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

On pics, slogans, and filmography...

I have new pics, but I left my memory card downstairs and I do not feel like getting it. Besides, you need something to look forward to...

So, one of the slogans for our overdramatic, AMAZING commercials is; (cue deep announcer voice)
"In a world where evil reigns and love is forbidden, one woman will dare live happily ever after."
Thanks to Lily for this amazing cure for... creators block.

And, jsyk, Filming the show is absolutely amazing. I am able to catch sooo many extraordinary things that people would never do outside of the Richard D. Hupper Auditorium. And since I own the material, I can put it on YouTube. >:)

So, I'd thought id just let you all know that.

10 days, everyone!!

Behind the Scenes

As production assistant, I get to see a little more behind the scenes action than others might. Most people don't realize that what goes into making a show complete isn't just the cast and the pit, the people the audience sees and hears. There is the crew for the set, the wonderful costume ladies, our lovely patrons, the director and his wife, and the parents of the cast, crew, and pit members.
The SHS crew always goes above and beyond to make our set the absolute best. What can we say to our costume ladies. They put the show into the appropriate time period and to make us all end up looking perfect for stage. Without the patrons, our show wouldn't bring in nearly enough money to help pay off the bill we have from putting the show together. Will and Heather, they do so much to make the show happen and to cast people where they are perfect to be. But still, without the parents of all these people who need to be at endless amounts of practices, parents of the crew members who spend endless hours creating a set and finding props for crazy stunts, and the parents of the pit who can bring them to pit rehearsals, this show would never happen.
So thank you to each of our behind the scenes people. Actors/actresses are great and all, but there would be no chance of a show happening and having order at rehearsals without all of our behind the scenes people! We owe our show to you!

Staff Spotlight

Me and My oldest oldest Daughter Katelyn on our annual camping trip for her birthday.

My youngest daughter Aubrey, her first day on her bike!

My Wife and Daughter Katelyn on our vacation to Stone Harbour last year.

Staff Spotlight:

Full Given Name: Joseph Michael Kress (Named after Archie Bunker's Grandson born on the show the same day that I was 01/28/1976).

Day Job: Which one..... My Mom and I own our own business, we do Title Searching and Abstracting (has to do with real estate). I am also the Tech Director as you all know for both Susky and for York High. On top of all that, I also own my own business called A&K Graffx which is a graphic design business....alas, it is mostly pro-bono (volunteer/donated) work for non-profit groups that fight things like aids, sexual discrimination, cancer, pretty much anything that comes my way. Will and I share the same degree from the same college. And of coarse, full time Husband and Dad (and yes, that is a job all in it's own)!!

Most Played song on my Zune: Well, not sure.....I listen to everything and anything but have so little time to listen to music that it's hard to have a most played song :)

What was the first play/musical you ever saw: Well, that I can remember, the first musical I saw was my step-aunt played the Wicked Witch of the West in York College's production of WOZ. My first Broadway show that I ever saw (and will ALWAYS remember) was Phantom of the Opera!!!

What was the first show you were ever involved in & what did you do: Well, let's see....I believe it was a musical at York High called Peace Child the Musical based on the creation of the real organization called Peace Child (for which I was a member of as well) and I had one of the male leads in the show....I know....Joe our techie actually started his theatre career on the stage, not behind it!!! There was also a play I was a lead in, but it was in the third grade at Lincoln Elementary School and I don't remember what it was called, but come to think of it, I actually helped with our tiny little set then as well.

What do you like most about Technical director / Light/ Sound/ & Props: Well, that's not hard to figure out, first of all, all of you young adults in crew and cast and the adult staff make it a very enjoyable job, it's always great to think of your job as a second family!!! Plus, think about it, where else can you be 32 years old and get to build things that go up, down, poof, pop, bang, splash....things that when you are buying the supplies to make, your own daughter says "Dad, I have no idea how your mind works"!!!! It's like being 5 years old and building with's another world!! It's always cool seeing people get excited about what they just saw and a great feeling when everyone goes "how did you do that" or "can you teach me to do that/build that", and there is no greater feeling of accomplishment than when everyone says, "no way" "it can't be done" and yet you find a way to get it done and get it done well!!! And as Walt Disney once said "'s kind of fun to do the imposable..."!!

What do you do for fun: Well, when I am not working, being a Dad and Husband take over and to me, that is fun. Also playing the Wii, hanging out with friends, working on my fish tanks (I currently have 4 fresh water and 1 salt water tanks), and probably my favorite, watching movies.

Any shows you are just dying to work on: Well, that's a hard one, there is just so much out there and so much more being developed every day.....I would have to say....honestly, I don't know...all I can say is "BRING IT ON" (and I mean bring it on, not the movie!!!). I do know I want a break from anything set between the 30's and 50's!!!

Who would play you in a movie about your life: Well, it's hard to say there's anyone out there as good looking as I am in the movie industry right now................JK...........LOL.....................ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would have to say that I don't think I look like any actors, but I would have to pick my hero, Ty Pennington of "Extreme Makeover Home Edition" because he gets to do all the cool stuff I like to do, we are both pretty crazy, we both love to build, and I try to live my life helping as many people as I can just like he does!!! And I would not be adverse to any of you nominating my family for the show (hint, hint).............LOL :)

Monday, March 31, 2008


So as I was filming everyone, my amazing camera also has the ability to take pictures. So... I've decided to share some with you... Prepare for amazement:
None of the ladies are having any fun... :(
Biiigggg finish!
Hey Nonny Nonny Nonny NO
Don't drop Dobry
The Lovely Ladies in Waiting
"Go... And Get the Prince a Royal wife!"

Pity Kyle Dobry too... (jk, siona)"Blow the Trumpet"


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Of OUAMs and Webdings

Zoë, Kelly and I are venturing to the land of the Amish today. We'll see the other OUAM. I think Laura, Kirsten, and Brock (of course Brock would go) are seeing it too.

I'll be sure to bloggy about it later.

Oh! And on a side-note, I love webdings. (webdings.)

I was on my b, when I saw e in the middle of the road. Suddenly, a m came up to me and said "this is for you." Well, was like, s Next thing I know, I blank out, and the same m has me on a j to Puerto Rico. I live captive there for several months and play w. Finally, ninjas attack and use their l to kill the m , and set me free.
Moral of the story? z

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Im making a commercial for our amazing production of Once Upon a Mattress. Hopefully we will play it/them on the morning announcements.
If anyone has any ideas for a commercial or would enjoy being of use, please comment me!!

I study under things: My ode to being Fred for a night

First off, thank you Will for that loverly post about understudies. Good timing.

When I read I would be understudy for Fred, I was actually more excited about that than Lady Rowena (who turned out to be pretty cooky and funny anyway). I knew no one would see my performance, and I always hear complaints about being an understudy...

You have to learn all the lines and blocking and notes but never go out and get the same recognition.

Despite this, I decided to give my all to Mini-Fred.

I went to Laura's practices, scribbled notes and felt silly being there, but all the same I showed up.

For a while I familiarized myself with Fred's lines, but not doing it daily and focusing on Lady R's blocking made my memory fade.

But Laura always shows up, right?

Not exactly. Not tonight.

I was nervous. I thought people would be mad at me for not knowing everything, so I decided to put all my energy into it.

Laura, you go girl, have Fred back, but being her for one night, although via speed-through, was an AMAZING experience for me. I had sugar-high feel the whole two hours.

I didn't know the blocking well enough for "Happily Ever After," and I didn't get the "Out lumps!" part down, but the rest I really put my all into.

And now I'm exhausted.

So, for all you understudies out there, please learn your lines, your blocking. One night, even if it isn't an official night, you may need to stand in.

And knowing your stuff makes you, and everyone else, have a great time.

As Will said, yay for understudies!

I Ain't Scurred.


(how many times are you supposed to spin around and curse?)

In Praise of the Understudy

When sitting down to start to design the show program, I usually start off with the cast list. Usually because it's the only thing that's complete at this point--there's still bios that need to be typed, and ads we're waiting for. It was in cobbling together that list, that I realized that OUAM has what is probably the best set of understudies for any show I've ever done! ('cept for those Anne Frank understudies who actually went on during the school preview--but there's a little overlap there anyway)

At some point or another, most of our understudies have done their duty and stood in for their missing counterpart and learned most (if not all) of that person's blocking and lines. All on the off chance that the worst possible scenario should happen. (Though if it were to happen, I'm not too scared about the understudies going on--I have had many a nightmare in the past about just such things...)

So, it's because of this dedication to the show that I salute the understudies. The ones who deserve recognition for all the work they put in so that the show may go on!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Coming closer...

We're drawing nearer and nearer to the show...only 2 1/2 weeks to go! Suddenly everything seems rushed, and everything I wanted to accomplish (more character work, perfecting that knee slide) has to be done...quickly.

The crew is hurrying to finish the set and build a horseshoe, the pit and the cast still need to coordinate songs, we've got seems like so much in such a short amount of time!!! Don't worry, it always pulls together.

One helpful bit of advice: If you're the lead in a musical, do not get sick. Not even with a cold. It sucks. Especially if your voice was already giving out. That said, please remind me whenever you see me not to use my vocal cords as much as possible--I tend to make that mistake.

Another week and I'll be free of Regionals music and ready to devote my voice entirely to the musical! Although that was kind of happening anyway...

Happy Easter, and cast members, I'll see you at practice.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Yet another OUAM

Hey all. Former SHS acteur (isn't that a cool way to misspell actor--I'm copyrighting it) Brock Cheek wished me to pass on information regarding Millersville University's production of OUAM. The production is entirely student run (actors/directors/crew are all students.) Here's all the info you needs to know.

Millersville University's All-Campus Musical Association


8:00pm Thursday March 27, 2008

8:00pm Friday March 28, 2008

8:00pm Saturday March 29, 2008

2:30pm Sunday March 30, 2008

Lyte Auditorium, Millersville University (Only about an hour from SHS)

Ticket information :

Tickets can be purchased at the Student Memorial Center Ticket Window,

Monday- Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Call (717) 872-3811

ADVANCE SALES: Students and Senior Citizen Tickets are $5.00/General Admission Tickets are $7.00

AT THE DOOR: All tickets are $10.00

Cast Spotlight: Casey Shelley

Full Given Name: Casey Shelley A. K. A. Shell

Role: Ensemble

Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? "Gimme Chemical" by The Pink Spiders

What was the first play/musical you ever saw? Wizard Of Oz

What do you like most about being on stage?
That I can finally be noticed and not be a nerd

Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? That I can tell my left from my right stage lol

Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?)

Any shows you're just dying to be in? I want to play Sandy in Grease

Who would play you in a movie about your life? Jessica Alba XD

Anything else you want people to know about you?hm.........oooo look a butterfly!

Cast Spotlight: Caitlin Ramirez

Full Given Name:
Caitlin Maureen Ramirez

Role: Lady in Waiting/ensemble

Most Played song on your
ipod (or cd player)? Dear Maria, Count me in. by All Time Low and I dare you to move by Switchfoot

What was the first play/musical you ever saw?
Beauty int he beast on broadway

What do you like most about being on stage?
I like not feeling self conscious and worrying about what other people think, when I'm on stage I can express myself and be me =]

Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school?
I guess acting and being in front of a large auidience and working with other people

Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities?
(If so, which?) Ummm I am in Dance Team and Freshman Class Council =]

Any shows you're just dying to be in?
Rent,West side Story, Hairspray and if we did Legally Blonde the Musical =D

Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Reese Witherspoon...subtract like 15 years off her for the role though

Anything else you want people to know about you?
I love to dance and I am very friendly and outgoing so if you don't know me talk to me =]

Cast Spotlight: Mia Wentworth

Full Given Name: Emilia Ann Wentworth

Role: Mime

Most Played song on your ipod? The Crane Wife, by The Decemberists. Closely followed by the lovely Kenny Chesney, Zac Efron (I really have no excuse for that), the Weepies, some good wizard wrock, Say Anything, and Mika.

What do you like most about being on stage? I always like to believe that someone out in the audience is really enjoying themselves. When I watch a good show, I get so wrapped up in it that I feel like I’m part of that world. I admire each character and want to know more. Theatre in general just really intrigues me. Knowing that I’m providing that sort of entertainment to at least someone out there is a really neat feeling.

Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? Studying characters helps me see all sorts of things from different points of views. Expands my mind and all. I guess that’s a skill anyone could use.

Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) Art club, lit mag.

Any shows you're just dying to be in? …Xanadu!

Who would play you in a movie about your life? Oh, you know, Laura Dzwonzyck. She’s a brilliant actress and I trust she knows enough about me ;)

Anything else you want people to know about you? I sleep in a night gown. I love mandarin Oranges. I’m eating a piece of my aunt’s birthday cake as I fill out this survey. I am a beast at Tetris. Seriously. Don’t mess. :]

Cast Spotlight: Kelly Chick

Full Given Name: Kelly Jean Chick
Role: Queen Aggravain
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? Well, I won't say it's my favorite song, but it just so happens that the most played song is "Why don't we do it in the road?" by The Beatles.
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? Annie
What do you like most about being on stage? Whether they're laughing or crying, I love being able to provoke emotions from the audience.
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? How to be an effective liar!! Just kidding! Seriously, I'm developing communication skills as well as learning how to interact with people.
Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) Concert Choir, Select Ensemble, Company of Praise (church choir), and International Thespian Society.
Any shows you're just dying to be in? It's too hard to pick just one!
Who would play you in a movie about your life? I find this to be a strange question - I'm going to answer it as if I've lived my life but I'm choosing from actors as they are right now in 2008 (I've aged, but they haven't - that's why this is a weird question - does that make sense??). Anyway, my younger self would be played by Ellen Page, my middle self (yes, I said middle self) would be played by Tina Fey, and my older self would be played by Meryl Streep. I think I took this question too seriously ...
Anything else you want people to know about you? I'm single - anyone interested?? Ha!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cast Spotlight: Melanie Morgan

Full Given Name: Melanie J. Morgan (The 'J' is for my two-letter middle name, peeps, I'm paranoid about internet kooks)

Role: Princess 12 (I should have everybody going around calling me Twelve, 'cuz it's awesome)

Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? Undignified --David Crowder*Band

What was the first play/musical you ever saw? I can't remember the names of the ones I was in in 4th and 5th grade, but 6th grade was The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. I was the wolf's lawyer, oh yeah. I think the ones in 4th and 5th grade were the best though, even though I don't remember their names.

What do you like most about being on stage? Being able to become someone and just transport myself into another world, like the way kids pretend all the time(I still do)

Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? Working with people together to create and bring to life a huge project, which is really cool, especially when you get to bond with them and you become an almost twisted family-like structure! This'll help me greatly; I'm going to be going into animation, and most animators have to be great actors and be able to work well with people on a project to be able to bring it to life and do their job. I also want to do a little acting/voice acting on the side.

Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) Art Club, Yearbook, Baccalaureate committee(if that's considered an activity), and The PULSE! Don't know what it is? -evil laugh- Ask me!

Any shows you're just dying to be in? Hm, The Beauty and the Beast, some cartoon and Disney movies that I'm just dying to make into musicals, and this one(Once Upon a Mattress). Although I would like a second shot at this one, 'cuz it's just that cool.

Who would play you in a movie about your life? Are you kidding? No one plays the Mel better than the Mel. I kinda doubt there would be someone out there that would quite do me justice anyway. Plus, God didn't create me to be replicated.

Anything else you want people to know about you? Hardcore Die-Hard Jesus Freak with a passion for living it LOUD and sold out for Christ! Also the Queen of Peanut Butter and self-dubbed nickname, "The Cheeseball."

A little extra info- That picture beside my name...if you ever see that scene in real life, it may be the last thing you ever see...that's purely joking...

Monday, March 17, 2008

E.T. phones home

Make it big, make it big, make it BIG!

I love musical theatre. It's a wonderful excuse to be loud and over-the-top. I'm outrageous and eccentric enough as it is, so this is a great outlet for my crahazzy self.

For one, my character Lady Rowena is an absolute nut-case. (And she wonders why she'll never get married). She laughs outrageously several times in the show. When we did the read through, I glimpsed at the bottom of the page to see: Lady Rowena hysterically giggles. My stomach did a flip. I'm used to doing that normally, but in front of everyone? Oh well, I went for it. And boy was it hysterical. The night of blocking, I refrained a little, thinking I over did it. But Will told me: "Can you be more obnoxious?"

Never again will anyone ask me to laugh more obnoxiously. I loved it.

So act like you just drank a full cup of coffee before going onstage. Pump it up!

On a side note, if one wears a brown blanket to practices, get ready to be compared to: a bag lady, Anne (&Margot) Frank, Sweeney Todd's crazy wife, and, my favorite: E.T.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Next, on a very special episode of the OUAM blog...

If I may digress...

I have been notified that my choice for the 2008 Fall play has been approved.

Seniors, sorry.

Juniors/Sophomores/Freshmen...brush up your Shakespeare & dust off your cowboys hats.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Full Given Name: Judi "Witchie" Fisher

Role: Dinner, Pecan, ohhh...Costume constructor, Mom of Minstrel who only wears tights for plays...I think.

Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? Witchie Women....duh

What was the first play/musical you ever saw? Wizard of Oz....of course

What do you like most about being on stage? Height has no bounds..I look tall from the audience

Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? Yes, that High School is great, but life outside is mystical, magical, full of experiences, growth, and that people are all the patient, kind, tolerant and loving.

Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) When I'm not making costumes for the earth, I travel on my broom to a far off land called "home" (there's no place like it!) where I am a mom, wife, sister, friend, housekeeper, chauffeur, cook, gardener and all around busy witchie.

Any shows you're just dying to be in? Death of a Saleswitch; Le Miserable Witch, and...WICKED!

Who would play you in a movie about your life? Idina Menzel did an accurate job of protraying me, especially my vocal talents.

Anything else you want people to know about you? That I love SHS & SUMC theatre, I was a giraffe in my past life, and, I taught Will Jenkins everything he knows.

Staff Spotlight: Heather Jenkins

Full Given Name: Heather Michelle Jenkins

Day Job: Project Accountant for Kinsley Construction

Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? According to iTunes it is Fly Me to the Moon by Tony Bennett.

What was the first play/musical you ever saw? Mame at Dallastown High School when I was in elementary school.

What was the first show you were ever involved in & what did you do? I was in the chorus of The Wizard of Oz. Although I do also remember being an elf in a Christmas show in the second grade. I had to pretend to make toys while the chorus sang a song.

What do you like most about promoting? While the show is running, I like to walk into the house and know that I had a hand in putting all those butts in the seats. I like being able to make Will’s job smoother and being able to take some of the stressful things for him and get them accomplished.

What do you do for fun? Play with Cordy, hang out with Will, play the piano, go to NYC, and I really like putting things in order and organization.

Any shows you’re just dying to work on? Assassins!! The Wedding Singer. Mamma Mia. Xanadu.

Who would play you in a movie about your life? Hmm. Grown up Cordy Jenkins.

(Above photo: Heather and her other husband, Broadway, TV and Movie Star Roger Bart)