Full Given Name: Melanie J. Morgan (The 'J' is for my two-letter middle name, peeps, I'm paranoid about internet kooks)
Role: Princess 12 (I should have everybody going around calling me Twelve, 'cuz it's awesome)
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? Undignified --David Crowder*Band
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? I can't remember the names of the ones I was in in 4th and 5th grade, but 6th grade was The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. I was the wolf's lawyer, oh yeah. I think the ones in 4th and 5th grade were the best though, even though I don't remember their names.
What do you like most about being on stage? Being able to become someone and just transport myself into another world, like the way kids pretend all the time(I still do)
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? Working with people together to create and bring to life a huge project, which is really cool, especially when you get to bond with them and you become an almost twisted family-like structure! This'll help me greatly; I'm going to be going into animation, and most animators have to be great actors and be able to work well with people on a project to be able to bring it to life and do their job. I also want to do a little acting/voice acting on the side.
Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) Art Club, Yearbook, Baccalaureate committee(if that's considered an activity), and The PULSE! Don't know what it is? -evil laugh- Ask me!
Any shows you're just dying to be in? Hm, The Beauty and the Beast, some cartoon and Disney movies that I'm just dying to make into musicals, and this one(Once Upon a Mattress). Although I would like a second shot at this one, 'cuz it's just that cool.
Who would play you in a movie about your life? Are you kidding? No one plays the Mel better than the Mel. I kinda doubt there would be someone out there that would quite do me justice anyway. Plus, God didn't create me to be replicated.
Anything else you want people to know about you? Hardcore Die-Hard Jesus Freak with a passion for living it LOUD and sold out for Christ! Also the Queen of Peanut Butter and self-dubbed nickname, "The Cheeseball."
A little extra info- That picture beside my name...if you ever see that scene in real life, it may be the last thing you ever see...that's purely joking...
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