Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Of OUAMs and Webdings
I'll be sure to bloggy about it later.
Oh! And on a side-note, I love webdings. (webdings.)
I was on my b, when I saw e in the middle of the road. Suddenly, a m came up to me and said "this is for you." Well, was like, s Next thing I know, I blank out, and the same m has me on a j to Puerto Rico. I live captive there for several months and play w. Finally, ninjas attack and use their l to kill the m , and set me free.
Moral of the story? z
Thursday, March 27, 2008
If anyone has any ideas for a commercial or would enjoy being of use, please comment me!!
I study under things: My ode to being Fred for a night
When I read I would be understudy for Fred, I was actually more excited about that than Lady Rowena (who turned out to be pretty cooky and funny anyway). I knew no one would see my performance, and I always hear complaints about being an understudy...
You have to learn all the lines and blocking and notes but never go out and get the same recognition.
Despite this, I decided to give my all to Mini-Fred.
I went to Laura's practices, scribbled notes and felt silly being there, but all the same I showed up.
For a while I familiarized myself with Fred's lines, but not doing it daily and focusing on Lady R's blocking made my memory fade.
But Laura always shows up, right?
Not exactly. Not tonight.
I was nervous. I thought people would be mad at me for not knowing everything, so I decided to put all my energy into it.
Laura, you go girl, have Fred back, but being her for one night, although via speed-through, was an AMAZING experience for me. I had sugar-high feel the whole two hours.
I didn't know the blocking well enough for "Happily Ever After," and I didn't get the "Out lumps!" part down, but the rest I really put my all into.
And now I'm exhausted.
So, for all you understudies out there, please learn your lines, your blocking. One night, even if it isn't an official night, you may need to stand in.
And knowing your stuff makes you, and everyone else, have a great time.
As Will said, yay for understudies!
I Ain't Scurred.
(how many times are you supposed to spin around and curse?)
In Praise of the Understudy
At some point or another, most of our understudies have done their duty and stood in for their missing counterpart and learned most (if not all) of that person's blocking and lines. All on the off chance that the worst possible scenario should happen. (Though if it were to happen, I'm not too scared about the understudies going on--I have had many a nightmare in the past about just such things...)
So, it's because of this dedication to the show that I salute the understudies. The ones who deserve recognition for all the work they put in so that the show may go on!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Coming closer...
The crew is hurrying to finish the set and build a horseshoe, the pit and the cast still need to coordinate songs, we've got seems like so much in such a short amount of time!!! Don't worry, it always pulls together.
One helpful bit of advice: If you're the lead in a musical, do not get sick. Not even with a cold. It sucks. Especially if your voice was already giving out. That said, please remind me whenever you see me not to use my vocal cords as much as possible--I tend to make that mistake.
Another week and I'll be free of Regionals music and ready to devote my voice entirely to the musical! Although that was kind of happening anyway...
Happy Easter, and cast members, I'll see you at practice.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Yet another OUAM
Millersville University's All-Campus Musical Association
8:00pm Thursday March 27, 2008
8:00pm Friday March 28, 2008
8:00pm Saturday March 29, 2008
2:30pm Sunday March 30, 2008
Lyte Auditorium, Millersville University (Only about an hour from SHS)
Ticket information :
Tickets can be purchased at the Student Memorial Center Ticket Window,
Monday- Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Call (717) 872-3811
ADVANCE SALES: Students and Senior Citizen Tickets are $5.00/General Admission Tickets are $7.00
AT THE DOOR: All tickets are $10.00
Cast Spotlight: Casey Shelley
Full Given Name: Casey Shelley A. K. A. Shell
Role: Ensemble
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? "Gimme Chemical" by The Pink Spiders
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? Wizard Of Oz
What do you like most about being on stage? That I can finally be noticed and not be a nerd
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? That I can tell my left from my right stage lol
Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) no
Any shows you're just dying to be in? I want to play Sandy in Grease
Who would play you in a movie about your life? Jessica Alba XD
Anything else you want people to know about you?hm.........oooo look a butterfly!
Cast Spotlight: Caitlin Ramirez
Full Given Name: Caitlin Maureen Ramirez
Role: Lady in Waiting/ensemble
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? Dear Maria, Count me in. by All Time Low and I dare you to move by Switchfoot
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? Beauty int he beast on broadway
What do you like most about being on stage? I like not feeling self conscious and worrying about what other people think, when I'm on stage I can express myself and be me =]
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? I guess acting and being in front of a large auidience and working with other people
Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) Ummm I am in Dance Team and Freshman Class Council =]
Any shows you're just dying to be in? Rent,West side Story, Hairspray and if we did Legally Blonde the Musical =D
Who would play you in a movie about your life? Reese Witherspoon...subtract like 15 years off her for the role though
Anything else you want people to know about you? I love to dance and I am very friendly and outgoing so if you don't know me talk to me =]
Cast Spotlight: Mia Wentworth

Full Given Name: Emilia Ann Wentworth
Role: Mime
Most Played song on your ipod? The Crane Wife, by The Decemberists. Closely followed by the lovely Kenny Chesney, Zac Efron (I really have no excuse for that), the Weepies, some good wizard wrock, Say Anything, and Mika.
What do you like most about being on stage? I always like to believe that someone out in the audience is really enjoying themselves. When I watch a good show, I get so wrapped up in it that I feel like I’m part of that world. I admire each character and want to know more. Theatre in general just really intrigues me. Knowing that I’m providing that sort of entertainment to at least someone out there is a really neat feeling.
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? Studying characters helps me see all sorts of things from different points of views. Expands my mind and all. I guess that’s a skill anyone could use.
Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) Art club, lit mag.
Any shows you're just dying to be in? …Xanadu!
Who would play you in a movie about your life? Oh, you know, Laura Dzwonzyck. She’s a brilliant actress and I trust she knows enough about me ;)
Cast Spotlight: Kelly Chick

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Cast Spotlight: Melanie Morgan

Full Given Name: Melanie J. Morgan (The 'J' is for my two-letter middle name, peeps, I'm paranoid about internet kooks)
Role: Princess 12 (I should have everybody going around calling me Twelve, 'cuz it's awesome)
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? Undignified --David Crowder*Band
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? I can't remember the names of the ones I was in in 4th and 5th grade, but 6th grade was The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. I was the wolf's lawyer, oh yeah. I think the ones in 4th and 5th grade were the best though, even though I don't remember their names.
What do you like most about being on stage? Being able to become someone and just transport myself into another world, like the way kids pretend all the time(I still do)
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? Working with people together to create and bring to life a huge project, which is really cool, especially when you get to bond with them and you become an almost twisted family-like structure! This'll help me greatly; I'm going to be going into animation, and most animators have to be great actors and be able to work well with people on a project to be able to bring it to life and do their job. I also want to do a little acting/voice acting on the side.
Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) Art Club, Yearbook, Baccalaureate committee(if that's considered an activity), and The PULSE! Don't know what it is? -evil laugh- Ask me!
Any shows you're just dying to be in? Hm, The Beauty and the Beast, some cartoon and Disney movies that I'm just dying to make into musicals, and this one(Once Upon a Mattress). Although I would like a second shot at this one, 'cuz it's just that cool.
Who would play you in a movie about your life? Are you kidding? No one plays the Mel better than the Mel. I kinda doubt there would be someone out there that would quite do me justice anyway. Plus, God didn't create me to be replicated.
Anything else you want people to know about you? Hardcore Die-Hard Jesus Freak with a passion for living it LOUD and sold out for Christ! Also the Queen of Peanut Butter and self-dubbed nickname, "The Cheeseball."
A little extra info- That picture beside my name...if you ever see that scene in real life, it may be the last thing you ever see...that's purely joking...
Monday, March 17, 2008
E.T. phones home
I love musical theatre. It's a wonderful excuse to be loud and over-the-top. I'm outrageous and eccentric enough as it is, so this is a great outlet for my crahazzy self.
For one, my character Lady Rowena is an absolute nut-case. (And she wonders why she'll never get married). She laughs outrageously several times in the show. When we did the read through, I glimpsed at the bottom of the page to see: Lady Rowena hysterically giggles. My stomach did a flip. I'm used to doing that normally, but in front of everyone? Oh well, I went for it. And boy was it hysterical. The night of blocking, I refrained a little, thinking I over did it. But Will told me: "Can you be more obnoxious?"
Never again will anyone ask me to laugh more obnoxiously. I loved it.
So act like you just drank a full cup of coffee before going onstage. Pump it up!
On a side note, if one wears a brown blanket to practices, get ready to be compared to: a bag lady, Anne (&Margot) Frank, Sweeney Todd's crazy wife, and, my favorite: E.T.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Next, on a very special episode of the OUAM blog...
I have been notified that my choice for the 2008 Fall play has been approved.
Seniors, sorry.
Juniors/Sophomores/Freshmen...brush up your Shakespeare & dust off your cowboys hats.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Full Given Name: Judi "Witchie" Fisher
Role: Dinner, Pecan, ohhh...Costume constructor, Mom of Minstrel who only wears tights for plays...I think.
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? Witchie Women....duh
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? Wizard of Oz....of course
What do you like most about being on stage? Height has no bounds..I look tall from the audience
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? Yes, that High School is great, but life outside is mystical, magical, full of experiences, growth, and that people are all the patient, kind, tolerant and loving.
Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) When I'm not making costumes for the earth, I travel on my broom to a far off land called "home" (there's no place like it!) where I am a mom, wife, sister, friend, housekeeper, chauffeur, cook, gardener and all around busy witchie.
Any shows you're just dying to be in? Death of a Saleswitch; Le Miserable Witch, and...WICKED!
Who would play you in a movie about your life? Idina Menzel did an accurate job of protraying me, especially my vocal talents.
Anything else you want people to know about you? That I love SHS & SUMC theatre, I was a giraffe in my past life, and, I taught Will Jenkins everything he knows.
Staff Spotlight: Heather Jenkins

Full Given Name: Heather Michelle Jenkins
Day Job: Project Accountant for Kinsley Construction
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? According to iTunes it is Fly Me to the Moon by Tony Bennett.
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? Mame at
What was the first show you were ever involved in & what did you do? I was in the chorus of The Wizard of Oz. Although I do also remember being an elf in a Christmas show in the second grade. I had to pretend to make toys while the chorus sang a song.
What do you like most about promoting? While the show is running, I like to walk into the house and know that I had a hand in putting all those butts in the seats. I like being able to make Will’s job smoother and being able to take some of the stressful things for him and get them accomplished.
What do you do for fun? Play with Cordy, hang out with Will, play the piano, go to NYC, and I really like putting things in order and organization.
Any shows you’re just dying to work on? Assassins!! The Wedding Singer. Mamma Mia. Xanadu.
Who would play you in a movie about your life? Hmm. Grown up Cordy Jenkins.
(Above photo: Heather and her other husband, Broadway, TV and Movie Star Roger Bart)
Street Fightin' Man
Enough of my shilling for YLT. :)
(In the sake of fairness, If you know of any other classes or programs, feel free to mention them here, or drop me a line and I'll post them!)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
8th Graders...
To everyone who has 8th grade friends: tell them to JOIN THE THEATRE!!! Preferably cast, but crew and pit are also noble areas. I don't know if it's just me who thinks this, but turnout for shows (especially males) has decreased (?). [if someone wants to prove me right/wrong, please tell me]
But tell all of your younger friends to joing the theatre, regardless of whether we have a lot of people trying out or not.
One Month!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Cast Spotlight: Julia Yeilding
Full Given Name: Julia Kathleen Yeilding
Role: Dancer/Larken Understudy
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? Any song by Taylor Swift
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? Cats
What do you like most about being on stage? It's so much fun!
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? Definitely; being in front of people is no big deal now.
Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) Yes - Marching Band, Jazz Band, Vocal Ensemble,
Any shows you're just dying to be in? Hm, not really, I enjoy being on stage no matter what show it is.
Who would play you in a movie about your life? Alexis Bledel - I'm told we look alike.
Anything else you want people to know about you? I play the clarinet - which is the BEST instrument ever!
Cast Spotlight: Marisa Silva
Full Given Name:Marisa Nicole Silva
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? Part Of Your World- Little Mermaid... (don't ask)
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? probably the Lion King On Broadway
What do you like most about being on stage? The fact that you can be anyone you want
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? Definitely social skills, and being comfortable in front of a crowd
Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) Track and Field, the Martial Arts, soccer, ...In Atomic Proportions, Marching Band, Orchestra,
Any shows you're just dying to be in? POCOHANTAS!
Who would play you in a movie about your life? ME?, or Marisa Tomei
Anything else you want people to know about you? i hate the words mirror and iron, because they sound just wrong...
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
Cast Spotlight: Elisabeth Hittie
Full given name: Elisabeth Ann Hittie
Role: Jester
Most played song on iPod: "On the Radio" by Regina Spektor
What was the first play/musical you ever saw?: "Cats." I was 5 years old and I believe to this day that it is one of the worst musicals ever done. I slept through the entire musical.
What do you like most about being on stage?: For me, there's this feeling of warmth and comfort when I finally get to be out on the stage. It is the one place that I can be as dramatic and outrageous as I truly yearn to be, and it's completely fine.
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school?: Of course. Oration skills especially, being able to speak clearly, put emotion into what you're saying, and portray what you have to say to your audience.
Are you involved in any extracurricular activities? (If so, which?): I am very involved with dance. I take ballet, tap, jazz, modern/contemporary/lyrical, and musical theatre at Experimental Movement Concepts in New Freedom. I am a Featured Dancer (and an original member) of EMC's Repertory Ensemble and I am a Demi-Soloist in the Susquehanna Youth Ballet. I am entering my fifth year of teaching at EMC as well. As for school, besides the theatre program, I am involved in Concert Choir as an Alto.
Any shows you're dying to be in?: "
Who would play you in a movie about your life?: I have no idea.
Anything else you want people to know about you?: As a person, I am high-strung and have energy pouring out my ears. I love my job as a teacher because I love to work with children. Even though when people hear the term "dancer" they assume someone who is overly concerned about their weight and what they eat...I eat probably more than a full-grown man does, and I am nowhere near a healthy eater.
Cast Spotlight: Ahmae Messersmith
Full Given Name: Ahmae messersmith
Role[s]: Kitchen Wench, Emily, Lady Beatrice, Dancer
Most Played Song On your Mp3: La Vie Boheme From RENT
First play or musical you ever saw: The Wizard of Oz
What do you like most about being on the stage: It gives me a chance to be crazy and over expressive and no one really judges me cause there all doing the same thing, also its a great place to just forget everything thats happening in your life and have a great time with your friends.
Are you learning any new skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school: Yes one thing that has and will help me are the auditions they teach you that you need to be responsible for yourself and you need to have things done and memorized when there due. Anothor thing we all have learned is how to meet new people and not sit out, to get involved in things.
Are You in any other extracurricular activities: Yes, Football and basketbal Cheerleading.
Any Shows your just dying to be in? Definitely Bye Bye Birdie and Hairspray! and it would be super cool if our school could do wicked but i don't think thats happening.
who would play you in a movie about your life? ummm myself?
Anything else you want people to know about you? I'm auditioning for Willy Wonka the musical! its a summer theatre and if you want to come see it its July 25-27 and august 1-3. Ask me an email if you want to know were to buy tickets!Thursday, March 6, 2008
Cast Spotlight: Brittany MacFadden

Full Given Name: Brittany Jeanette MacFadden
Role: Dancer
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? hmm either Taylor Swift- Our song, or When You look me in the Eyes by the Jonas Brothers : )
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? hmm probably Lion King? or
What do you like most about being on stage? just acting with my friends is so much fun and you really feel like you've accomplished something when the end result turns out great*
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? Yes, confidence on stage because that'll help me later on being in front of people and it has also made me more outgoing because it built my confidence up
Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) Cross Country, Cheerleading, Swimming, Track and Field, Class council, FCA, Big Sister Little Sister, Ski Club, NHS, and I also teach Sunday School every week* : )
Any shows you're just dying to be in? High School Musical!!!!
Who would play you in a movie about your life? Me!
Anything else you want people to know about you? well... i love seeing people happy so im always trying to help people with their problems and i just love being kind, caring and giving and most of all- i love my family more than anything!! : )
Cast Spotlight: Logan Markiewicz

Role:Knight/Castle Steward
Most Played song on your cell MP3 player? Apologize by
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? saww? i guess the Phantom of the opera. [[on broadway]]
What do you like most about being on stage? Being myself. Not having to worry about what anyone thinks about me.
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? pshhyea. will (our director) teaches us a lot about acting skills. since i'm interested in going into musical theatre, he helps a lot.
Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) Select ensemble. =]]
Any shows you're just dying to be in? The phantom of the opera. <33
Who would play you in a movie about your life? me. duhh =]
Anything else you want people to know about you? ummmm.. hey look! a penny!! =]]]
Cast Spotlight: Brandon Cwalina

Role: King Sextimus
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? "Grace Kelly" by Mika
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? South Pacific at the High School, but The Lion King on Broadway
What do you like most about being on stage? Being another person
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? Acting ;D
Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) Spanish Club and the Play/Musical.
Any shows you're just dying to be in? The Producers, Fiddler on the Roof, and Sweeney Todd.
Who would play you in a movie about your life? A really awesome, attractive actor. (To answer the question, I have absolutely no idea)
Anything else you want people to know about you? There really isn't way too much to know about me... Im kind of dull.
Cast Spotlight: Zoë Heatwole

Full Given Name: Zoë Lotus Heatwole
Role: Mime/Statue/Human Disco Ball/Ensemble
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra.
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? Sound of Music. I used to watch it at least once a week when I was little. I wore those poor tapes down.
What do you like most about being on stage? Definitely being able to be someone else for just a little while. You're basing everything you have off of a line or two about your character from the script. So you need to make the character yours, and it takes work. It's a challenge, but that's the fun.
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? Learning how to meet deadlines, cooperation with others, memorization, being big and loud!
Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) The Warrior TV crew.
Any shows you're just dying to be in? West Side Story.
Who would play you in a movie about your life? Anyone, so long as they have the big hair!
Cast Spotlight: Lily Kotansky

Role: Lady "Sheets" Rowena
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? Billie Jean by Michael Jackson
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? Peter Pan
What do you like most about being on stage? Playing pretend
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? How to handle crowds
Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) Literary Magazine, Spanish Club, YDR Teen Takeover, Susky Courier
Any shows you're just dying to be in? Spring Awakening
Who would play you in a movie about your life? Gene Wilder. What? He's talented.
Anything else you want people to know about you? I'm going to live in England.
Wowee wow wow.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Cast Spotlight: David Stewart

Role: Sir Studley
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? Singin' in the Rain in 8th grade music class
What do you like most about being on stage? The reactions from the audience when you do something well
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? Time management, working well with others, express yourself in anyway possible
Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) Tennis
Any shows you're just dying to be in? Les Miserables, Springtime for Hitler(If they ever actually made it a musical, HAHA!)
Who would play you in a movie about your life?...myself, I guess... I never understand this question!
Anything else you want people to know about you? I love hide and seek and am not afraid to be a kid. =)
Staff Spotlight: The Vocal Director

Day Job: Promotions Assistant @ WJTL / Co-Host for Purple Door Radio / All around "do-it" girl
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? You Know We're All So Fond Of Dying - Children 18:3
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
What was the first show you were ever involved in & what did you do? Newsies - I was a like 3rd grade
What do you like most about vocal directing? Interaction with the cast and passing on what I know --and feeling like I'm a part of something awesome!
What do you do for fun? Sing, Watch TV, Plan my wedding, Hang out w/ my Fiancee and my Dog
Any shows you're just dying to work on? Les Miserables
Who would play you in a movie about your life? Molly Shannon or Idina Menzel
Staff Spotlight: The Director

Day Job: Graphic Designer
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? Not my choice, but Cordy listens to Ghostbusters about 7,000 times a day. My personal most listened to would be any song by Warren Zevon.
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? The first play I remember seeing was (I believe) called Good Night Ladies. My uncle was in it, and he dressed up like an old woman for some reason (I think so that he could stay at an all woman dormitory??)
What was the first show you were ever involved in? Other than church or elementary school stuff, my first real role was as Motel Kamzoil, the Tailor in Fiddler on the Roof in 11th grade. That was the show that started it all. My first chance to direct came when I was assistant director for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in 2000.
What do you like most about directing? Other than the ability to tell forty kids what to do and when to do it? I love both the research and brainstorming of putting together my idea of what the show should be like, and seeing that vision reach the stage in the hands of some very talented young thespians.
What do you do for fun? Play with my daughter, Hang out with my wife, go see plays and musicals whenever possible, watch movies, and play PS3 and Wii.
Any shows you’re just dying to direct? Lots! Among them: Les Mis, Sondheim’s Assassins (not coming soon to a HS near you), Plays by little-known playwright Bill Shakespeare, Drat! The Cat (look it up.), any of Martin McDonagh's plays (again, NOT coming to a HS near you)
Who would play you in a movie about your life? Have Meat Loaf and Jack Black had a baby yet? ‘Cuz it would be that kid.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
York Catholic
Anywho, I was wondering, for those of you who saw it, what was it like? Any good/bad/ugly parts? I'd like to know. Or, if you have intense carpel tunnel syndrome, just tell me later.
Yours not so truly,
Lily :)

Sunday, March 2, 2008
No Fred
A Backstage Peek
Anyway, I figured I'd share some backstage antics with you.
This is Kelly, our Queen Aggravain, practicing her evil laugh.
And another video of Niall and Asten: