Full Given Name:Marisa Nicole Silva
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? Part Of Your World- Little Mermaid... (don't ask)
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? probably the Lion King On Broadway
What do you like most about being on stage? The fact that you can be anyone you want
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school? Definitely social skills, and being comfortable in front of a crowd
Are you involved in any other extracurricular activities? (If so, which?) Track and Field, the Martial Arts, soccer, ...In Atomic Proportions, Marching Band, Orchestra,
Any shows you're just dying to be in? POCOHANTAS!
Who would play you in a movie about your life? ME?, or Marisa Tomei
Anything else you want people to know about you? i hate the words mirror and iron, because they sound just wrong...
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