Day Job: Graphic Designer
Most Played song on your ipod (or cd player)? Not my choice, but Cordy listens to Ghostbusters about 7,000 times a day. My personal most listened to would be any song by Warren Zevon.
What was the first play/musical you ever saw? The first play I remember seeing was (I believe) called Good Night Ladies. My uncle was in it, and he dressed up like an old woman for some reason (I think so that he could stay at an all woman dormitory??)
What was the first show you were ever involved in? Other than church or elementary school stuff, my first real role was as Motel Kamzoil, the Tailor in Fiddler on the Roof in 11th grade. That was the show that started it all. My first chance to direct came when I was assistant director for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in 2000.
What do you like most about directing? Other than the ability to tell forty kids what to do and when to do it? I love both the research and brainstorming of putting together my idea of what the show should be like, and seeing that vision reach the stage in the hands of some very talented young thespians.
What do you do for fun? Play with my daughter, Hang out with my wife, go see plays and musicals whenever possible, watch movies, and play PS3 and Wii.
Any shows you’re just dying to direct? Lots! Among them: Les Mis, Sondheim’s Assassins (not coming soon to a HS near you), Plays by little-known playwright Bill Shakespeare, Drat! The Cat (look it up.), any of Martin McDonagh's plays (again, NOT coming to a HS near you)
Who would play you in a movie about your life? Have Meat Loaf and Jack Black had a baby yet? ‘Cuz it would be that kid.
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