Full given name: Elisabeth Ann Hittie
Role: Jester
Most played song on iPod: "On the Radio" by Regina Spektor
What was the first play/musical you ever saw?: "Cats." I was 5 years old and I believe to this day that it is one of the worst musicals ever done. I slept through the entire musical.
What do you like most about being on stage?: For me, there's this feeling of warmth and comfort when I finally get to be out on the stage. It is the one place that I can be as dramatic and outrageous as I truly yearn to be, and it's completely fine.
Are you learning any skills in theatre that you will be able to use after high school?: Of course. Oration skills especially, being able to speak clearly, put emotion into what you're saying, and portray what you have to say to your audience.
Are you involved in any extracurricular activities? (If so, which?): I am very involved with dance. I take ballet, tap, jazz, modern/contemporary/lyrical, and musical theatre at Experimental Movement Concepts in New Freedom. I am a Featured Dancer (and an original member) of EMC's Repertory Ensemble and I am a Demi-Soloist in the Susquehanna Youth Ballet. I am entering my fifth year of teaching at EMC as well. As for school, besides the theatre program, I am involved in Concert Choir as an Alto.
Any shows you're dying to be in?: "
Who would play you in a movie about your life?: I have no idea.
Anything else you want people to know about you?: As a person, I am high-strung and have energy pouring out my ears. I love my job as a teacher because I love to work with children. Even though when people hear the term "dancer" they assume someone who is overly concerned about their weight and what they eat...I eat probably more than a full-grown man does, and I am nowhere near a healthy eater.
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