Thursday, November 27, 2008


Who's excited for Butler? I'm excited for Butler.

How excited? SOOOOOOOOOOO excited.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Hello all.......I know this doesn't have anything to do with our show, but many of you know that my little brother has served 3 tours in Iraq and a year tour in Turkey and now he has just come home from that 3rd tour in Iraq......safely......I just wanted everyone to know how proud I am of my little brother and he even sent me a great picture!!!!!!!!!!! All I can say is "Thanks" Brian and "Thanks" to any of the other friends and family out there who have or are in the armed services.....thanks for you bravery, your dedication, and your sacrifices. Thanks for all your time, I just felt this was important enough to be a part of our blog :) Love Ya Bro.........

Monday, November 3, 2008

Pic Dump

Wow. Three Updates in a day. There's a lot going on now at the ol' SHS Theatre! Here's a few pics I snapped the other night at practice!

Josh is happy to shoot, Siona's happy to be shot.


Guy Talk

More to come! Stay Tuned!

The set

Finally, we have the auditorium all to ourselves until the show opens, and our set can stay up full time! What an awe-inspiring structure!!! And it's portable!!!

Our tiny little set.

The original set model. It's even more portable.

The Buzz of SYC

Well...we could be the buzz of Southern York, but regardless, we got a mention in the main article of the fall play roundup in the York Daily Record. You can check it out online here:

And let's not forget one of our own beloved actors is part of the newspaper's teen takeover blog, and has a little blog about what it's like to be a man...