Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Call backs?!

This is a first! Let me go off on a little story (even though: A, no one is reading this blog, and B, I didn't get a callback for George). I was just talking to the fabulous Heather Jenkins the other night after my audition and was just, you know, shooting the POOP with her. I asked her, "H-Jenkins, do you think there'll EVER be callbacks?"

"Will doesn't really believe in them," she said.

So, dear reader, you can just imagine my face when I hear there are callbacks for George and Emily! This has never happened in my theatre career at SHS thus far (though it may have happened for some of you veterans out there). But I think this is a great sign. A new year has many new things about it. Otherwise, it wouldn't be new. So I'd say this is quite the interesting fortune for the year as a whole: full of new beginnings.

Best of luck to all y'all trying out for Georg and Em!

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